Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Camera Shots

Camera shots and angles used by the proper filming industries. These terms are what the BBC call them, but may be called something similar by other corporations. I have used pictures which I have taken in the past (or that friends have taken of me) to display the many camera shots and angles which we will be using in our music videos.

Extreme Long Shot (ELS), also known as establishing shot. This is used to set the scene by displaying the location with a very wide and long shot.

Long Shot (LS), displays a figure's entire body from feet to head, as shown in the photograph below.

Mid Shot (MS) also Medium Shot, shows the figures from their torso upwards. This is the most commonly used camera shot since the feet are rarely important to see.

Close-up Shot (CU), from the shoulders upwards, used to show someone's facial expressions.

Big Close-up (BCU)- a zoomed in shot of a certain body part or area- used to show detail

Low Angle- used to make something look bigger or more powerful because the camera is at a very low level.

High Angle- opposite of low angle, the camera is in a high location to make someone look smaller or weaker.

Birds Eye- an extreme high shot where the camera is looking down on everything- like a surveillance camera shot

Worm's Eye- opposite of Birds eye, the camera is at ground level looking up on something to give it that power/level appearance.

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